Friday, January 23, 2009

Happy B-Day Mac!

My old 128K... Looks over me as i work in the studio

If you know me you know I am a huge Apple Computer fan. I have been using the Macs all my life starting back in the Mac 128K days. I have had an LC II, LCIII, Proforma, several Power Macs, G3, G4, G5, Mac Pro... I have literally grown up using mac computers. Now I make my living with them. They are amazing machines that inspire the user to create. 

I wanted to share one of my favorite mac sites with you . There you can find out everything on the history of Mac. Even if you don't care about apple or mac, check it out. You will be pleased.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Night Light

I was out testing some low light settings on the PMW-EX1 and thought I would share the results. Stick around to see the moon shot at the end it was shot in real time (pretty cool). The music is a mix of two cuts I was playing with on the turntables earlier today.