Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Kids in the ministry

This week I am at our student leadership retreat in Glorieta NM. This year my family got to come with me. It has been so great having them here. 
Growing up in the ministry I remember several instances where I had to, loan my parents out to a group of students or singles, or watch my dad go to lead a camp or revival. I did not realize it at the time but I was very much in the ministry. It is so great to have my family and kids sacrifice and serve along with me in the ministry. Hopefully I can inspire them them to serve like my parents inspired  me and God will call them to future mission fields.
Today we took the students to Santa Fe to the Plaza downtown. I bought andrew a robot. Below is a video of what he did the rest of the time we were there. I think God for everyday for my kids. They are such an encouragement to me in the ministry.

andrew and the killer robot from James Lane on Vimeo.

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